Burglar Alarm Best Systems

Burglar Alarm Best Systems

Burglar Alarm Best Systems work on the same principle as any electric circuit. When a sensor is activated, it breaks the circuit and triggers an alarm.

Detectors and sensors linked to a control panel that sends information to the police when something is awry. The system also includes an internal alarm to warn people inside the property.


There is a common belief that burglar alarms are effective deterrents to break-ins because they make it difficult for thieves to enter the property. Several studies involving interviews with convicted burglars have shown that many would dissuaded from breaking into a home or business with visible alarms.

Most burglar alarm systems consist of a control panel and various indoor/outdoor sensors (motion detectors, door and window sensors, glass-break sensors), panic buttons, and acoustic devices that sound loud sirens, like buzzers or beepers. All these devices linked to the control panel and when anomalies detected, the system will sound or send an alert to a preset reporting address.

However, more recent research using multiple sweeps of the Crime Survey in England and Wales suggests that the presence of an alarm associated with increased rather than decreased risk of burglary with entry.

This counter-intuitive finding needs to treated cautiously, since the findings could reflect a number of different things.

Fast Response

Burglar alarm systems with central monitoring designed to immediately notify an outside security company of a break-in. Many include smart technologies such as security cameras, 24/7 central station monitoring, glass break detection, flood and wellness sensors, and much more.

False alarms are common and a real concern. If they are too frequent, law enforcement agencies may no longer prioritize alarm calls and simply ignore them.

The best burglar alarm systems prevent false alarms by using a combination of advanced technology and simple maintenance measures. The most popular burglar alarms use a network of motion detectors and door and window sensors integrated with a control panel to detect breaches. These systems typically set to only activate if an actual breach detected, and they configured to ignore common causes of false alarms, such as forgettable code activations, pets, birds or balloons.

Some even utilize what is known as “alarm verification,” or ECV, which can confirm a break-in via video, thus reducing the likelihood of a false call and speeding up the response time for law enforcement.

Video Surveillance

While installing sturdy windows, doors and locks, using outdoor lighting and following common-sense burglary prevention like avoiding leaving valuables or credit cards in a car can help protect homes, burglar alarm systems are an effective deterrent for thieves because they send the message that someone is watching. They also alert a homeowner to suspicious activity by blaring an alarm if the motion detector or door and window sensors triggered.

Many modern burglar alarm systems also have video surveillance capabilities, which can display a current image of the intrusion area to a monitoring station when the system activates. The central station can then contact the property owner to verify the incident and determine what type of response needed.

Some commercial burglar alarm systems designed to record and document unauthorized entry into a building and used to help reduce losses in a variety of industries, including grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores and restaurants. These systems typically use remote monitoring so that business owners can view their live footage on a smartphone, tablet or computer, even when they are not onsite.

Cellular Radio

A burglar alarm system relies on a communication path to send signals to the monitoring station in the event of an intrusion. This can be a direct telephone landline, cellular radio (usually GPRS/GSM) or an Internet or IP path depending on the type of system and what is available. Most high-end systems use dual signaling using two different paths to communicate.

Direct telephone lines have vulnerabilities in that they are easy to cut by a burglar prior to breaking in and can also be disabled by the elements such as a tree limb falling onto the line during a storm or snow blizzard.

Cellular systems transmit signals over a wireless digital channel and considered to be more secure and faster than traditional phone lines.

Some alarm companies offer mesh-radio monitoring where a network of devices act as a redundant communication system avoiding expensive cellular service fees and requiring fewer cell towers to maintain coverage. This technology can offer additional benefits such as remote access and home automation capabilities.

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